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Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Don't mention it!

Hmm...cuman mau nge post + curhat diblog.

Rencanaku buat pergi ke kebumen, Jateng ANNCCCUUURRRR sudahhh!
GRRR! itu mbak (yang bikin rencanaq ancur gra2 gak boleh ditinggal sendirian!!!) brsiaplah mnrima balasan dari-Nya!

UKHHH! mana udah pesen tiket buat kesana, uda disiapin smua, cuman gara2 dirimu aq gak jadi pergi!!

uda berapa kali aq mesti bersabar nghadepi kemanjaan orang tua biar dirimu dijaga kayak kaca yg mudah pecah (ato rapuh, kalimat negatifnya)?!
uda berapa kali aq ditinggal dirumah sendirian tapi gak prnh dikhawatirin, gak prnh ditemenin meskipun ditinggal berhari2 sendirian....!
kenapa malah dirimu pas sendirian dirumah kudu aq yang nemenin!
halooo? indonesia gak kekurangan orang buat jadi baby sitter mu!
ngerepotin orang aja bisanya!

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011




 happy birthday and valentine for you~ *very late in february 14th *
I was wrote an Fanfic for you Chouta! But, it's not very special for the readers, I mean. Haha...I'm amateur for writing Fanfic.
Kalo ada yang mau baca dalam bahasa Indon, mohon review nya setelah dibaca!

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Replace of download Tenifest 2009

Okay, I must to say "SORRY" about link in post of Tenifest 2009 before! 
After I try, I know that link is not working very well (very bad, I mean). 
Thanks to Karryn for notice the broken link in my last posting.  

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Tenifest 2009

Konbanwa! It's midnight now here, in my place. And I've already Insomnia for two days ago. But, It's not important. So, i will post about Tennifest 2009, not Tennnifest 2011 actually. Sorry if I'm dissapointed you. Hahahay!
Let's see...
I think this posting for my friend, who's wanna watch tennifest 2009. And I say thanks for Karryn, which tell me about ClipNabber and There I found tenipuri seiyuu event in past like 100marathon, perfect live and .... I can't said from which seiyuu event this, but please watch it.And this too! 

This is Tennifest 2009 : 


Part 1               Part 7                Part 13                Part 19

Part 2               Part 8                Part 14 

Part 3               Part 9                Part 15

Part 4               Part 10              Part 16

Part 5               Part 11              Part 17

Part 6               Part 12              Part 18


Part 1               Part 7                Part 13                Part 19

Part 2               Part 8                Part 14

Part 3               Part 9                Part 15

Part 4               Part10               Part 16

Part 5               Part 11              Part 17

Part 6               Part 12              Part 18

Vee's comment 

Disc 1

Part 1 : a beginning of tennnifest. each of school, gather and make a line like student (they're schoolers!)

Part 2:  Lottery of school which sing first in Tennifest and Hyoutei win!! (you will see in backstage, it's pur**os*). Sang Flower~sakimidareshi hana with Takekon and Kawamoto Naru? why's he? 
Nee..nee...namikawa and kusuda look so sweet when they sang together in Flower (just one line lyric =.=) Ahh...! *faint* 
Continue with Kakaeta Kiseki. Please hear the part when Okiayou san sang in some lyric, the fans scream "KYAAA!" for him. 

Part 3 : Ryuusen no michiyuki by Kaida Yuki. I like this song in tennifest 2009 more! The voice of Kaida san...ungggg! I love it!
Emerald Line by Nagai Sachiko. Her voice not stable, she looked....nervous, i think. And the dance, not good =.=" 
Oishi song (don't know the title). Let's skip him. 
PRAYER! THIS IS THE BEST SONG AND DANCE in tennifest 2009 for me!!!! Hosoya san's dance looks nice! His face so handsome, his dance not bad if compare boyband or tenimyu dance!! You must sign up for tenimyu next time, HOSOYA SAN!!!! *kidding* 
Look him in backstage when he practiced this song, I've falling in love for the first time with Hosoya san because it!

Part 4: Higachuu Kite. Don't know too~ 
Next is Ishida Gin. Really Ishida's voice. Rawrrrr! *laugh*
Then, shitenhouji seiyuu come out, forgetting Ishida first (poor you, Ishida san). I'm speechless when koharu's seiyuu voice the character.! 
Seiyuu of Ishida Gin was first time followed tennifest or seiyuu event tenipuri's other. I heard Hosoya san scream "sore jaa, tenipuri festa 2009 tsuzuki tanoshinde nee! (please enjoying tenifest 2009!)"
Kaidoh sang after that.

Part 5: 3 song in one performance! Kaidoh....He's "burning" when sang the song!
Niou's bluest sky. the hair of Massun, long!!!!! and in left hair, what's he doing for his hair?!
After Kawamura sang, Namikawa's contrail!!!!!!!!! HAAKKKHHH!
the voice, yeah...i know his voice like that if performance in stage (but different in recording), it's ok! compare with 100 marathon, he looked like shy when sang. even with kusuda san, this year more better. 
BUTT! when he sang  "mienai ashita ga, chiheisen no *he winked his left eye* mukou kara". OMG! I will faint...faint..faint...last, melted. 
(apalagi pas terakhir2, dia....dia...namikawa san pake cium jauh! aduhh....gak kuat beneran)

Parrt 6: Trio yakiniku (ignore the name), sang more passion! 
and, Kabaji sang NEVER SURRENDER Tezuka! I missed this song. Not same if Okiayou san sing it. whehehe....
Next Higa chuu reguler sang some song. 

Part 7: Golden pair + kawamura sang together. Cheerfull song.  
Momoshiro sang ballad song, not match with her character. While throwing momiji (you make spam everwhere~) 
Next, Mata kimi to's AOZU.A nice song, not bad.
Then, seigaku all reguler come out. But I don't know what's they're talking except momoshiro called "momiji senpai". hihihi....
Ouw..yeah! when Kaidoh's seiyuu said "be carefull of your step", he teased with other until fell in floor and Oishi's seiyuu help him. And Oishi the next target of "teased" that time.
Then, Takekon come out!!! sang Smile alone! HURRAY...HURRAYYY!

Part 8 : 50/50 Touyama and ryoma song. Here, both of seiyuu looked girly!!! XD 
Then, Minajun sang 3 song-Hanabira no yukue, everything, starting over- in one performance. 
Next, TEZUKA!!!! He sang Akashi. Hmm..I don't know he ever sang the song before. In what album? Please tell me! Impressive? With?
But, the next after Akashi, he sang with Sanada's seiyuu, Banana no namida. CRACK! O_o 
You know, they sang without expression! It's make me laugh! Hontou ni Sanada to Tezuka!

Part 9: Atobe charm point wa with Hyoutei chuu. Hahay! reguler Hyoutei lainnya pada narsis foto2 pas Atobe tebar pesona. oowalah...! *gedek2 kepala ngeliat keisengan mreka* Tapi setelah itu, mereka kompak banget waktu jadi background suara nya Atobe pas nyanyi. Waktu mereka mengelilingi Atobe pas selesai nyanyi juga keren! Huwaaa...Hyoutei emang sekolah paling kompak! baik d anime atopun di event! BANZAIIII!

Sorry, so many comment in this posting!